Professional Education
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26] Miss Ramirez is evaluating an early literacy app for her class. She is making sure that the app is uncluttered in appearance, is arranged in some order of difficulty, and that icons represent what they were intended to represent. Which criterion is she focusing on?
a) Organization
b) Motivation
c) Accuracy
d) Appropriateness
27] On which theory is the logical sequencing of curriculum based?
a) Progressivism
b) Essentialism
c) Perennialism
d) Reconstructionism
28] Miss Navarro is evaluating an app for her Grade 8 Science class. She is finding out whether the app taps the skills found in the Grade 8 standards to ensure that this app will be helpful in meeting her objectives. She wants to make sure it is not too easy nor too difficult for her students. Which criterion is she focusing on?
a) Appropriateness
b) Accuracy
c) Organization
d) Currency
29] How students learn may be more important than what they learn. From this principle, which of the following is particularly important?
a) Knowing how to solve a problem
b) Determining the givens
c) Solving a problem within time allotted
d) Getting the right answer to a word problem
30] One philosopher considers education as the acquisition of the art of the utilization of knowledge. This implies that __________________.
a) a learner’s interest in art is comfortable
b) a learner’s acquisition of information is not important
c) a learner’s application of what she has learned is necessary
d) a learner’s acquisition of information is sufficient
31] With Republic Act 7836 the licensure examination for teachers is with_______.
a) Department of Education, Culture and Arts
b) Professional Regulation Commission
c) Commission on Higher Education
d) Civil Service Examination
32] Is it professional for a teacher to receive gifts from students and parents?
a) Not at all
b) No especially if done in exchange for requested concessions
c) Yes, if deserved
d) Yes, in-season and out-season gifts
33] From broad vantage view of human development, who has the primary duty to educate the youths or children?
a) Teachers
b) The state
c) Parent
d) The schools
34] Buber’s “social principle” refers to all of the following EXCEPT:
a) treating, using the other as a means to an end
b) intersubjective, interpersonal, “we” relation
c) a life dialogue of the members of society
d) responding to other’s need as a means to an end
35] To advance a common mission, every school should provide a vision supported by _____________.
a) cultural identity
b) core values
c) achieved prestige
d) institution’s history
36] You are required to formulate your own philosophy of education in the course, The Teaching Profession. Based on Bloom’s revised taxonomy, in which level of cognitive processing are you?
a) Applying
b) Analyzing
c) Creating
d) Evaluating
37] For brainstorming to be effective, which should be OUT?
a) Openness to ideas
b) Making use of other’s ideas shared
c) Teacher’s judgmental attitude
d) Non-threatening atmosphere
38] Among thinking skills, Tolerance means ability _____________.
a) to maintain distinctions among structures
b) to integrate complex information
c) to place information into categories
d) to deal with the unclear information without frustration
39] What is the core of the classroom setting in every school?
a) Instruction
b) Curriculum
c) Syllabus
d) Research
40] Which is an example of social and cross-cultural skills?
a) Obtaining information using digital technologies
b) Using problem solving techniques in influencing and guiding others towards a goal
c) knowing when it is appropriate to listen and to speak when interacting with others
d) All of them
41] Among the major schools of learning theories, which see learning in terms of changing what we do?
a) Behavioral theories
b) Field and Gestalt theories
c) Cognitive theories
d) Social theories
42] The following are non-verbal praises that can accentuate the positive in class for effective classroom management EXCEPT one:
a) shaking head
b) thumbs-up signal
c) winking
d) raising of eyebrows
43] In a curriculum development class, the teacher asked the students to give an enriched definition of the curriculum. Which among the following encompasses the true essence of the term?
a) Curriculum is the sum total of all learning experiences in the teaching-learning process.
b) Curriculum is a list of subjects to take to complete a course.
c) Curriculum is a list of courses in order to graduate.
d) Curriculum is a never ending process in education.
44] What applies to meta-cognitive thinking skills in learning?
a) Problem-solving
b) Emphasis on independent learning
c) Monitoring own comprehension
d) Factual and concrete thinking
45] Which of the following construct is NOT at the level of Critical Thinking?
a) grouping and classifying
b) associating and grasping principles
c) preferring and evaluating
d) guessing and believing
46] What comprise computer competency?
a) Spending days and nights on computer games and downloading internet materials
b) Use of the computer for particular use, e.g. emailing
c) General knowledge and experience in using computers
d) Knowledge of the use and how to program computers, e.g. blogging
47] Teacher Joanna used photographs to depict social problems such as war, pollution and poverty. What is the principal benefit for the use of this instructional aid?
a) Expand interest
b) Emotional impact
c) Provide experience of the problem
d) Encourage participation
48] Among critical thinking skills is _____________.
a) opinionating
b) believing
c) guessing
d) estimating
49] Which of the following processes usually comes first in developing curriculum?
a) Identifying learning goals and objectives
b) Selection of educational content
c) Evaluating educational experiences
d) Organization of learning experiences
50] In order to most effectively teach students the way to use election rights fully, what stimulation situation can teacher Jojo adopt?
a) Make students devise political poster
b) Invite politicians to speak in school
c) Involve students to enact a campaign and election
d) Assign students to clip political news
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